1042 Fort Union BLVD #135
Midvale, Utah 84047
801 849-0213

We use openSUSE, SUSE Enterprise Linux, SCO OpenSever 6,OpenServer 5.0.x or UnixWare 7.1.X OS's
and Apache, Caduium or Roxen Web Servers

Our custom programming, custom hardware design, custom system design, and system services are for many other computer system architectures too. We are able provide these computer services at our facilities, at customer offices, individual homes, or by phone. We will send a specific individual or a company representative at your request. We have a history of providing the right person or persons for the job.

Our Business Consulting (Pricing) consists of procedures designed to ensure your own business operates more efficiently with greater bottom line profitability. If, you determine you need further assistance, one of our staff will be glad to visit your location for help in customizing and training you in the use of the procedures.
Our Computer Services (Pricing) are for many architectures. We provide help with the installation, training and daily operation of your systems. We help with Operating Systems [OS] like DOS, Windows and NT, UNIX. We offer assistance with many programs that run under these OS's. We provide hardware and software assistance in the form of sales of third party equipment, custom hardware design or custom software. We offer these services and many more.
ZENEZ A Complete Consulting Company
Design by Boyd Gerber - gerberb@zenez.com

Copyright © 1979-Present ZENEZ, All rights reserved.