Here are a few of my favorite sayings/quotes!

Your Dreams are the limitations to your life. Living your dreams allows you to have freedom to govern your life within our preceived unlimited nature of eternal bounds and laws. We receive based on our obedience to eternal laws. We attrach to our lives the abundance of our eternal nature. (Old saying as you sew so shall you reap!)

True love is able to conquer lifes challenges. Holding fast to our eternal nature and cultivating a close relationship with it allows us to see beyond the present and tap into the endless unseen knowledge available to make great strides into the unkown.

When we listen to the eternal, we are able to know things without limits and bounds. We are able to sense the unperceivable of our consious mind and gain access to eternal knowledge and truths. These truths guide us through all our personal challenges/opportunities. We are able to grow beyond our physical limitations and achive the seemingly impossible.

The more I learn the more I realize I do not know. I am a X with a little pert. That is Xpert is one who knows he/she has yet much to learn and he/she has barely scratched the surface of the known/unknown. Impossible does not exist. We just do not know the laws by which it is realized. Time is an eternal round like a ring, it has no begining and no end. We put limits on time because we do not know or understand it's true nature.

Nothing is impossible... It may be technically unfeasible at this moment in time!

If you really have faith anything can and will happen! True Love can and will always find a way!

Have you ever known who was calling before the phone rings? Known what was about to happen before it happens? Have you ever known something without explanation? Known what is happening with someone/something beyond your physical point of reference? Tapped in to what you thought was unknown or unavailable to you? This is listening to the whispers of eternal truths! This is accessing eternal knowledge from the unconsious mind that has access to all knowledge and truth. Gaining this ability is the start of gaining wisdom our lives. We are learning our eternal nature which takes us beyond... our preceived limitations into the unlimited, A universe of eternal knowledge/truths.

We all have our (negative) trials and turbulations. (Positive) challenges and opportunities. That is just part of life. It is up to use to choose wheter we are going to be mirerable or happy. For myself I choose to be happy. What do you choosse?

We need to live in the present, while having the passion, presence, feeling of postive living. We must be able to see our desires of the future as if we have them now, acting upon the impluse we receive while generating postive vibrations so we realize our dreams. Visualizing and expressing the negative only gives us the self fullfilling prophecy of negative returns. Modifying our language and actions to be phrased in the postive, will create self fullfilling prophecies of postive returns. So using the phrase of assistance instead of help will allow us to tap into the positive energies of the universe. Acting in the now on our eternal guideance, increases our ablitlity to access the eternal knowlege and wisdom. The more we use the positive the better our lives will be.

The future is created from our dreams, passions, desires, and actions of today. If you want a better future then start and find your real passion. Live today in them and Suddenly what you desired for the future is, was, became today.

Boyd Lynn Gerber

The Internet is a vast resource which is very big. - Some old nobody

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