Boyd's and Debra's Synergy WorldWide Health & Wellness
Products and Supplements Page


Our Site on ProArgi-9+

Boyd & Debra Gerber Introduce ProArgi-9+


"We do not diagnose or treat any condition. This is for informational purposes only. Any diagnosis or treatment should come from properly trained professionals from non-traditional or traditional medicine."

The information on these web pages is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the advice of your physician.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Here is our Personal Health & Wellness Products and Supplements
from Synergy WorldWide,
We have found them to be the most helpful and useful!

(updated on 05/16/22)

So here is our list of Health & Wellness Supplements we have found to assist our body's and make us feel the very best.

Please call Synergy customer serverice 801-769-7800 to purchase the below.
Please tell customer service Our Synergy ID 1872645

Our Featured Synergy Products and Supplements

ProArgi 9+
Boyd Lynn & Debra Gerber Introduce ProArgi-9+
Boyd is off 18 Arthritis Meds able to walk and not confined to bed.

SLMsmart Weight Management System
SLMsmart Corp Informational Web Site
Boyd has lost over 186 lbs in about 22 months on SLMsmart and one other system prior to the Synergy Release of their Weight Loss System (Weight Elimination System).

Elite Health for 2007 North America

Synergy Microbiome System


What is the Microbiome?

Why the Purify Kit?

Synergy Purify System


Boyd lost 10 lbs and 3 inches on the one week Purify pre-launch. He had a lot of detoxing and really felt a lot better. The program really assisted Boyd's blood Sugar levels and Diabetes. His Psoriasis shank to 1/12 of what is was all over his body. It continued to clear over the next 4 weeks.

Debra lost 5 lbs and 4 inches on the one week Purify pre-launch. She had a some detoxing and really felt a lot better.

My Synergy Websites for more information.

Elite Health & Wealth with Boyd and Debra
Who Wants Improved Health and Financial Freedom?

Elite Health & Wealth presented by Boyd and Debra Gerber on
Boyd & Debra Gerber Introduce ProArgi-9+ on

Click here to buy our Health & Wellness Products and Supplements.

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